Attractions and Places to Visit in Redhill

There are so many of great attractions to visit in Redhill, all guaranteed to offer a fantastic day out for everyone to enjoy. Discover the county's rich heritage and history with a visit to one of the monuments or museums, castles or historic houses, each offering a unique glimpse of life in Redhill over the years. The history behind this city is unique!

Dorking Museum and Heritage Centre in Redhill

Dorking Museum & Heritage Centre

The idea for a Museum in Dorking was first proposed in 1939. The war prevented any progress being made at that time but in June 1945, Captain Evelyn Broadwood of Capel.
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Reigate Caves in Redhill

Reigate Caves

The Surrey town of Reigate is well known for its 'caves' which riddle the town centre, although these are in fact largely old sand mines. The castle mound overlooking Reigate town centre is composed...
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Reigate Priory Museum in Redhill

Reigate Priory Museum

Reigate Priory is a grade 1 listed building set in 65 acres of open parkland with a pond, woodland and playing fields only a few hundred yards from the centre of Reigate town, which is situated at the...
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~Things To See and Do in Redhill~ Activities in Redhill~